Donate an item to Chesham Museum

Please complete the form below with information about the item(s) you are donating to Chesham Museum.

In case we need to contact you about the item

Information about the item(s)

Tell us about any obvious damage and related information, such as its association with the Chesham area.
Please select one

Additional information

Please tick to confirm
Please tick to confirm
Choose today’s date
Please tick to confirm

Terms and Conditions of Deposit


The Museum will take the same care and precautions for the protection of the item(s) described overleaf, whilst they are in its custody, as it does for those in its permanent collections. Except in the case of negligence on the part of itself, its officers or employees, the Museum’s governing body does not accept liability for loss of, or damage to, or deterioration in, the item(s) described overleaf. No valuation indicated verbally or written on this form at the time of deposit will be admitted by the Museum.

When item(s) are left at the Museum for whatever reason, a receipt will be given to the depositor. This must be presented when the item(s) are returned to the owner or their representative. Both it and the Museum (File) part of the form will then be signed by the person receiving the items to acknowledge their receipt in a satisfactory condition. The owner (or the owner’s representative) and the Museum will each retain a copy of the form.

Enquiries and Identifications

Neither the Museum’s governing body, nor its officers or employees, can accept any responsibility whatsoever for an opinion that may be expressed on items submitted for examination. Opinions may be given only to the owner of an item or to the representative of the owner.

Museum staff are not authorised to give valuations, to assist in the disposal of private property, or to express opinions regarding the merits of business firms.

It is the depositor’s responsibility to collect items(s) described overleaf and left for identification within 4 weeks of the date of the form. In the event of the item(s) not being collected within that period the Museum’s governing body reserves the right to dispose of the item(s) as it thinks fit after a period of 3 months from the date of the form.


The Museum has a collecting policy that limits those items that it may acquire. Not all offers of loans, donations or sales can be taken up. If the Museum’s governing body does not accept such an offer the owner will be advised in writing. In the even of items not be being collected with 4 months of the date of this form, the Museum’s governing body reserves the right to disposes of the item(s) as it thinks fit.

In the case of acquisition by the Museum’s governing body of the item(s) described overleaf by gift or sale the owner (or a person authorised to act on behalf of the owner) transfers to the Museum’s governing body absolute ownership of those items, together with any rights of copyright or reproduction held by the owner in respect of those items, without condition other than that the governing body will hold the items on trust for use by its Museum for educational purposes to the public benefit and in accordance with those provisions of the Arts Council England Museum Accreditation scheme in force at the time of the gift.

This form acts as a first receipt for material offered for loan, if accepted, loan items will be subject to a separate loan agreement, to which additional conditions (including a specific return date, and agreed valuation) will apply. Loans are never accepted for an indefinite period, but may be renewed.

Special conditions

If special conditions, additional to the above, are agree between the Museum and the owner/depositor these should be recorded on a separate sheet, to which the owner/depositor and an authorised Museum representative must both be signatories.