Learn about our town and its heritage
Activities for the family to enjoy
Explore Chesham’s past with our walking trails, quizzes, competitions and ‘Fun At Home’ activities. We are passionate about encouraging people to think about who has walked around their streets in the past, what they looked like, thought and saw. It’s even more fun if you do this together.

Chesham Museum Eye Spy trail

Explore and discover some of Chesham’s historic buildings and characters as a family by walking our trail.
Start at Tap Yard on the High Street and follow the trail and quiz questions on the back.

Explore Chesham with our trails, activities and walks
Chesham Museum sensory trail
Explore Lowndes Park using your senses and choose how you want to do it.
Chesham Museum Eye Spy Trail
Explore and discover some of Chesham’s historic buildings and characters as a family
Chesham toys
Download and read about the history of toy making in Chesham.
Track the plaque quiz
Have fun, get some exercise and test your knowledge of Chesham!
What was made in Chesham 150 years ago?
Worksheet to explore items found in Chesham 150 years ago.
Download walks and explore Chesham as a family
Thanks to Walkers are Welcome, these self-guided walks let you see first hand the fascinating history of our town.

Chesham – Waterside
Distance: 2 miles with a 1.5 mile optionExplore Waterside and the River Chess that has supported industries for more than 1,000 years.

Chesham – Old Town
Distance: 1.5 milesExplore the oldest part of the town and see examples of buildings that have been in existence for 350 years

Chesham – Town Centre
Distance: 1 mileExplore the character and history of the town centre’s buildings and their past owners.

Chesham – Thomas Harding
Distance: 3.4 milesCelebrate the life of Chesham’s religious martyr, Thomas Harding, who fought for the right to read the scriptures in English.