Chesham’s young and older generations enjoy festive fun

Chesham Museum and Buckinghamshire Mind Older Adults Wellbeing Groups continue to celebrate our  ongoing partnership.

We  met at the beginning of December for a festive intergenerational singing session. The aim of the group was to bring different generations together to share in festive cheer and look at the history of some Christmas traditions and Carols. Everyone enjoyed a mix of children’s songs which included lots of actions, traditional carols and Christmas songs, a reading of the book “T’was the night before Christmas” and a very jingly version of Jingle Bells at the end!

Chesham Museum shared some of the history behind carol singing, information about when Cromwell banned Christmas and the history of the singing of Silent Night on Christmas Eve during World War 1. One person said “People were inspired to join in” and another “ I loved the singing, dancing and interaction with the children”.

We are currently in the middle of preparing our 1950’s household reminiscence objects  box . Chesham Leys Care Home will be trialling it for us in January. Please see our learning section to hire it in the future.

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